As of February 1, 2005 the Company has 912 employees. In addition to vertical management, in accordance with the structure of RazTES, the Company employs the principles of management through permanent commissions. In order to ensure effective management, and increase the extent of responsibilities and active involvement of the employees in decision-making, the following permanent commissions have been formed in RazTES:
Commission for registration of the delivered electricity and development of monthly balance sheets;
Commission for control over consumption of energy resources;
• Commission for registration of thermal energy delivery;
• Commission for registration and inclusion in balance sheets the acquired major resources;
• Commission for investigation of accidents and breakdowns at the station;
• Commission for preparing and implementing tenders and bids for acquiring equipment, materials and spare parts for renovation works;
• Fire alarm and technical commission;
• Commission for preparing and conducting renovation of equipment and buildings;
• Commission for coordinating free meals for RazTES employees; • Commission for accreditation of qualifications of the stations’ employees.